All hail Spring! Still no rain, another stellar day. Eggs are still being consumed at an alarming rate around here. Yesterday there was a big run on mini-pitas toasted and filled with egg salad. My chives- both onion and garlic- are up in the garden and we've been eating them as fast as they exit the ground. Minced, they were excellent in the eggs.
I got a lovely letter from a new client, I thought I'd share...
"Thank you so much! I'm very impressed with your reading. I can see why you have repeat customers. Honestly - this is one of the best internet purchases I have ever made."
What an excellent thing to hear from a new customer; I was so pleased, and felt compelled to share.
Okay y'all. I'm going to turn up my card of the day. The Four of Pentacles, reversed. Sigh. I think I'm trying to be good with money, trying to keep on top of it and keep it under control, but I keep getting overwhelmed by it. Anybody else out there have a problem with money management? I need to control my impulsive approach. Double sigh. Well, the day is half done- so far so good today!
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