My soundtrack this morning is James Blunt, You're Beautiful, which I discovered is a song that all my children AND I like. It's rare to find one we ALL like. M is into stuff like Slipknot and Korn, lots of heavy screaming stuff. James is more the classics, Ramones and Hendrix. Danny is much like me; we both got Gorillaz CDS in the same week, independently. We both thought it was our "discovery". But James Blunt has such a beautiful voice, and that lilting tune is one we can play in the car and no one gripes. Well, I'm sure if my husband was with us he would change the channel. Probably to the 'riff. Anyway, music is hugely important and much debated around our house.
I have my hairdresser, colorist/GODDESS Amanda to thank for the song that's playing as I take out my cards for the card of the day. Joss Stone, doing Super Duper Love. Gosh, she's got a great voice, full and soulful "Are you digging on me babe?? Cause I'm digging on you..." Wayyy fun stuff- Download it. She makes you want to dance. But, instead I will do some chair dancing, and shuffle my cards...
I turn up the Page of Wands, which is relevant to my world, but I bet it's relevant for a lot of others out there, too. The Page of Wands is about starting new projects, lighting a fire under ambitions and goals. I think that a lot of us wind up setting goals and making resolutions at the first of the year, right? Whether or not we even announce them, it's just a really handy time to take stock of life and kind of realign the rudder on your life plans. So now here we are, and April seems to be a handy time to take stock, to dive into things you may have planned on doing in January, but gave up on or didn't get around to. Don't be afraid of being a novice, if you need to start at the bottom, be open to the experience.
Enjoy the day!
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