Now, as the afternoon moves into evening, the sun has come out. I'm putting up a picture of the park- look how much the grass has grown since the burning on the 11th! The trees are just starting to bud, everything looks frilly with green. Every evening Dan and I have been taking Petey over for a walk; we go around the edge of the field and the treefrogs sing to us- this is such a tender, sweet time of year!
The bad news, we found the carcass of Lucy the Rhode Island Red right across the road, just beyond the fence. All we found in the yard was a pile of feathers, the coyotes dragged her over there. That explains the night we though they were right in the yard- they WERE. It was the scariest thing, they chattered and barked, it sounded like a scary movie. Poor Lucy, may she rest in peace.
I turn up a card tonight, and oh my, it's the Tower. I better brace myself... just when I thought everything was fine, this comes along to shake things up. There's revelation, an epiphany if you will, and it will changes the way things have been. While it feels disruptive or disturbing at the time, it's going to be freeing in the long run. I feel pretty good about this card, ready to embrace a freeing change, even if it comes about in a rough kind of way.... I mean, what else can you do? When something comes down around your ears, you HAVE to make a change. Sometimes when you can't do it for yourself, you need a little dynamite to get you going... The Tower will be a dynamited life change.
Off to my book... xolaura
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