I babysat for Aden's big sister yesterday and man, am I out of practice with four-year-olds! It was exhausting! She wants me with her all the time, which is fun, but I had kinda gotten out of the habit of doing that AND making dinner, doing dishes, etc. With Margaret and James, my 15 and 16 year-old, they do everything they can to do stuff WITHOUT me, it was a mind-blowing to have someone who wants me all the time. We had fun though- card games, playing on the swing, and she always helps me cook.
Then, her parents arrived for dinner with Aden, and oh my GAWD, do I LOVE babies. I picked him up and couldn't put him down, a snuggly little sweet-smelling nugget, ummmmm. We call it "baby dingo-ing" in honor of
Meryl Streep's "The Dingo took my baby!" - you take the bay and hold it just as long as possible. My bro-in-law
Tony has perfected the art, to the point where his nickname is "Uncle Dingo". I dingoed that baby all night!
Weird moment when my daughter complained to my son about me, and asked him if she could hold the baby. A cog slipped for me as I realized HE was in charge of his baby, and really isn't my son in that instance.
Hey, I'm having a sale for my faithful-
Hello to you all!
Well kids, my son and his wife had their baby, a beautiful 9lb 3oz boy (I'm calling him "Super-baby" because he's so strong!). That's the good news. The bad news is, I'm having a hard time adjusting to my new title- Grandma. I hardly feel old enough for it, and it makes me feel like I need to get some orthopedic shoes or something. Sigh. If anyone has a cute grandma nickname, let me know!!!
To celebrate the birth I am offering a Spring Sale, the Conversation reading, now only $30.00- regularly $35.00, with the offer available until 5/14/08. This is a special, unadvertised sale, for A Taste of Tarot Customers only! The Conversation reading rarely gets discounted, take advantage of this great deal!
I wish you all peace,
Laura, the ever-pesky
Then I sent out this-
Hey all,
I mailed a sale offer this morning, and wanted to give an update. When you buy a reading and click submit after completing your personality form, you are going to get an error message. However, I AM getting the forms. I have to reinstall my frontpage extensions to get the error message to go away, and when I do that, my site will be down for a few hours. So, I am going to do that this evening.
So, if you submit a form and get an error message rest assured I'm getting your info. And if you get to my site late tonight and it's down for awhile, never fear- we'll be back up and running in an hour or two!
It was great hearing from all you guys!!!
Happy Friday, and buy a reading!!!