I went to a lovely baby shower for my niece, Deb, at the Midland country club. Beautiful day, pretty people, yummy food, and oh my gawd- the presents! It's amazing all the STUFF it takes to raise babies now. My eldest is...choke...sob... almost 24, and my youngers are 14 and 15, not quite like I had babies in the dark ages, but I might as well have. Special seats to line grocery carts, little ducks that float in the bath and tell the temp digitally- my eldest came early, we brought him home and he slept in a drawer for awhile. I don't know, it looks easier in some ways, more complicated in others. I think I'm glad I'm done.
I am 46. My mother had me when she was 46. She was wonderful to me, we were kindred spirits, but geeez, I cannot imagine having a baby now. of course, I AM an absolute nut about my dog.
I should turn up some cards, but I want to go hang out, do laundry... Tomorrow I'll turn some cards.
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