Monday, August 13, 2007

They ripped it apart on Saturday, and I took Peter out to the backyard on Sunday. The iron skeleton of the table was there, with one lonely piece of wood going across. Petey tried to jump up on it and hang out like he always does. He fell flat. It was obvious there was no table, he never even looked. He showed his teeth in frustration. (humiliation?) It's a fine new table now.
The picture is a "before" of my headboard. My mama refinished the footboard years ago, and used IT as a headboard. It's too low with our fancy new mattress. So, I am redoing the headboard, but wanted the footboard, so I knew how light to take it. One more day of varnish removal, tomorrow and the next day tung oiling, and it should be ready to rock! (Note: Formby's is way too expensive- use a mixture of lacquer thinner and denatured alcohol....) I think it will be really lovely.
I made fresh salsa and guacamole tonight- my secret to both is lots of cilantro and lime juice. I LOVE Cilantro!
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