I will come back this afternoon with more vacation yarns and some links to see pictures- what would a vacation BE without PICTURES!!!!
First a story- we went up last Friday, and traffic is notoriously bad on Friday. Many times we will go very early Saturday to avoid it, but this time we were going to bite the bullet. Dan came home from work stressed, he'd driven a million miles for his job that day, and asked me to drive "the first leg" of the trip.
Well, the "first leg" is all the highway driving- the sucky stuff. PLUS, I had my full monty of trashy mags - the Globe, the National Enquirer and the Star, all ready for me to devour while DAN drove. Sigh. When our shih tzu Peter is displeased, he shows one of his teeth. I kinda felt like showing a tooth or two, but I bit the bullet and took the wheel.
All is going well, traffic heavy but not hideous, I get into my groove- a little lead foot, and I want to pass everyone- when the rain starts. We're listening to NPR, and they start cutting in with weather warnings. It was crazy, every time they announced a location, we would look up at the signs we were passing and THERE WE WERE!!! Every time! And the warnings were things like "Tornado warning"not wimpy stuff. So, there I am, driving through the wall of rain, trying to see the car ahead of me, (I think I'm showing at least two teeth now...) and hoping we can get down the road far enough to avoid the whole "Wizard of Oz" tornado scene...
Finally we drove out of it, and when I pulled into the gas station off the highway and leaped from the drivers seat Dan said, "Ohh, you want ME to drive? You were doing such a good job..." Riiiiight. Nice try. Just drive big boy, I've got trashy magazines calling my name.
We saw my cousins up north, and they said "Did you know Fenton had a tornado on Friday?" I got my war weary look and said "we were THERE!"
Okay, more stories later!
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