Ed was a quirky guy; he was tall, urbane- always too cool for the room. Not a warm and fuzzy character, but if Ed liked something you'd said, a song you played, it mattered more than if anyone else had liked it.... Ed was bitter, difficult, a hell of a lot of fun, and greatly missed.
Shelle went to a memorial dinner for him last week and they gave out little nuns- Ed loved religoius kitsch. We got together this week to have an espresso martini (espresso, vanilla vodka-yummmm) and toast to his memory.
And now it's Friday! So many of you visited my Terrarium/Tarot Specials page yesterday, thank you so much for being interested in my stuff! Remember the specials end on 5/1... Those who bought readings, I'm getting out my cards to do my first orders after this blog entry.
First, how about a card to send us into the weekend? I turn over the Seven of Pentacles, reversed. Actually this is timely, as I go into a weekend when I have a shopping trip planned with my daughter... This card tells me to keep a realistic handle on my actual finanacial situation, not what I would like it to be. As of now, I have all intentions of some very reasonable shopping, mostly looking. However, sometimes you enter the store, intentions intact, and the goods sing a siren song to you- the shiny new things, the smell of the store- it all combines to scramble the thought processes, and suddenly the financial outlook is more flexible. YIKES! I need to avoid that, and this card gave me a little wake-up call. Another aspect of this card is that I did not achieve the career goals I set for myself this week. I have a project due, and I have spent a lot of time planning it, turning it over in my head, without actually starting it... What can I say, we Capricorns are notorious procrastinators. Anyway, this card takes me to task, and having it come on a Friday is a good thing, I have the weekend to get my priorities in order.